Counselling in English
Which kinds of issues do clients come to me with?
- The need to feel anchored, the feeling of not being able to cope with everyday life sufficiently, struggling with self-acceptance or anxiety attacks
- Relationship issues such as doubts over whether you and your partner are well suited for each other or the need for forgiveness and a new beginning
- Worries and uncertainty around giving birth (mental preparation for giving birth; choosing a maternity hospital; deciding on the method of birth; coping with a “badly done” birth or with an unexpected Caesarean section, or with post-natal depression)
- Troubles with managing the role of a parent (disciplinary problems with children of all ages or problems with caring for them; balancing parenting obligations with work ones; uncertainty about the right time to re-enter work and about childcare; struggling with empty nest syndrome or conversely with the “mamahotel” phenomenon)
- Dealing with the end of a relationship or arguing over the custody of your children during a divorce
- Midlife crisis and fears of growing old and dying
- Troubles in inter-generational relationships
- Other personal or family topics, or topics touched on in the articles on this website
What will we be working on?
- Looking deeper into the roots of mental and physical problems and seeing them within their context
- Seeing life situations in a new light
- Gaining resilience against misleading and damaging trends of the current commonly accepted lifestyle
- Getting in touch with one’s true needs
- Living authentically
- Discovering and enjoy the hidden potential of one’s own inner world
I view the topic of personal and family wellbeing in a holistic context. I work with teenagers as well. I offer the mediation of follow-up psychiatric care, or of specific kind of psychotherapy suitable for the issue at hand.
About: I work as a counsellor, psychotherapist, writer and lector in the area of parenting and relationships. With my husband David we have three daughters. In cooperation with my eldest Alzbeta and with the publishing house Triton we have produced and published the Czech translations of four books by the Swiss-American psychologist Dr. Aletha Solter, focusing on Aware Parenting, the importance of attachment, the interaction between mother and baby during the early years of development and the significance of crying and temper tantrums in children.
If you would like to book an appointment, you can write on or you can call me on + 420 777 344 774.
Eva Labusová
Blog Evy Labusové
Úvodní stránka
Vzdělávací činnost
Vývoj člověka od narození k počátkům dospělosti
Na cestě ke spokojenému porodu
Deprese a trauma v souvislosti s porodem
Mezigenerační přenos v rodičovství: Attachment
Úvahy, postřehy a zkušenosti
Web Rodina 21
Spolupráce s médii
Články mé dcery Alžběty
Rady porodních asistentek
Z ordinace pediatra
Hovory o vztazích v ČRo 6
Časopis Děti a my

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